Friday, November 2, 2012

You Won't Be Seeing Any Posts From k For Awhile


k failed to follow instructions Thursday night.
So he is being punished!
I am nothing if not very strict with my husband about
following my instructions to the letter!
And not just in matters concerning sex.

I require, and expect complete obedience and compliance in all areas.
All the time! Every fucking time!
k knows this, and is usually a very good boy. But!
Recently he has been trying to slip a little of his will into
my decisions and my authority.
Regrettably, (for him mostly) I have allowed him a little leeway 
in this behavior what with our recent move and all that entailed. 
But now I am putting my foot back down!
And I am putting it down hard!!!

Among other things, k will not be allowed on any of our computers
to view porn or work on this blog until I say that he may again!
He will be forced to kneel beside me as I enjoy myself,
enjoying all the sensual and downright dirty delights
the internet has to offer!


He also has at the very least, everyday this weekend to submit
to, and receive a variety of strict and severe punishments.
All administered with the sole purpose of returning his attitude
and actions, back to that of my slave, my pet,
my husband, my knight, who obeys fully without question or hesitation,
and serves with complete devotion his wife, his Queen!

And believe me when I say,
I will come out on top.
k will be begging for forgiveness before this very night is through!


But he has a long, painful, tormented weekend ahead of him!
And I promise you, and him,
that by Monday morning, he will be pleading with me for the chance
to prove that he can and will follow my wishes to the letter once again!
I will not stand for, nor take any shit from my submissive husband!
I'm the one in charge of this marriage!
I make the goddamn rules!
And he is about to be reminded of that fact!


And no, I'm not locking his dick away in chastity for punishment!
 I have too many plans for my husband's package during this weekend!

And I never use chastity, denial, or ass-fucking as punishment anyway.
These are all activities that just enhance my power and his submission.

No, I have some much more sinister plans in store for my husbands cock and balls!

Don't feel too-too badly for k though.
It will be tough and painful for him over the next few days.
But the little bitch is such a pain-slut anyway!
He'll probably have a hardon most of the time! LOL!!!
Sometimes I have to be extra brutal and severe,
 just to make sure I'm getting my point across! 

And I have absolutely no problem being strict and severe with my husband!